Tuesday, December 14, 2010

APOD 2.6- Sunset at the Spiral Jetty

In August, at the Spiral Jetty in Utah, a beautiful and extraordinary sunset was photographed on the east side of the Great Salt Lake. Not only was this site outstanding because it was over the unique Spiral Jetty, but the sunset showed rays of sunlight called crepuscular rays. Crepuscular rays are parallel columns of sunlit air that are separated by shadowed clouds. Airborne dusts, salts and water droplets create this illusion of perspective and light.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Observation 3

Tonight, the moon is just passed the new phase and is entering the waxing crescent. The skies are extremely dark and clear. I was able to see even the faint stars of many constellations and may cloudy, clustered areas of stars. The constellations Perseus and Cassiopeia are visible in tonight's sky toward the north. In the west around 9:00 P.M. I saw Jupiter high in the sky.