Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Observation 1-Autumnal Equinox

Time: Periodically from sunset to approximately 9:30 P.M.
Place: Casey Key beach

Full 'harvest' moon and Jupiter-picture taken in my backyard
At sunset (nearly 7:15), the sun set due west. Today is the day of the equinox, so the sun is on the celestial equator, meaning the sun will set due west and rise due east. The sky in the early evening was very clear and provided for a beautiful sunset. While the sun went behind the horizon, the moon could be seen in the west. The moon was extremely bright and appeared to be full. The day of the equinox is also the day of the "harvest moon", so the brightness of the moon and cloudy skies did make it a little more difficult to see any surrounding stars. Jupiter was visible underneath the moon, closer to the horizon in the west, and relatively bright since it was at opposition last night. There was one bright star in the northwest, nearly straight up in the sky above me, around 9:30, but it did not appear bright enough to be a planet.

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