Friday, October 1, 2010

Observation 2

Location: Blackburn Pt. Rd.
Time: 8:30-9:30 P.M.

Last evening was extremely clear and wonderful for stargazing. The moon is in its third quarter, so it was not yet in the sky which made it even easier to see the constellations. I went to the stargazing session with my class and got the chance to look at the stars and planets with binoculars and a telescope. Jupiter was very bright in the sky towards the southeast and through telescope, its moons were visible as well. Vega was also shinning brightly overhead and I could spot summer and fall constellations such as Ursa Major, Scorpius, Pegasus, Saggatarius, and Lyra. However, around 9:00 something very unexpected occurred, as a "falling star" or meteor shot across the sky toward the northeast. It only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared, but nonetheless, it was spectacular!

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