Thursday, November 18, 2010

APOD 2.4- Spiral Galaxy M66

Spiral galaxy M66 was discovered by Charles Messier in 1780, and four supernova have been spotted in this galaxy since. In the Leo Triplet of galaxies, (made up of the three tilted spiral galaxies NGC 3628, M66, and M65), M66 lies 35 million light years across and is about one-hundred thousand light years across, making it the largest galaxy in the trio. Dust lanes and young, blue star clusters are prominent in M66, as they circle the galaxy's center and form a nearly symmetrical galaxy. The dispacement of the glaxy's shape is most likely caused by the gravitational pulls of the neighboring spiral galaxies. The forming pink and blue stars, dusts, nebulae and gases make up the spiral arms of M66.

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