Friday, April 15, 2011

APOD 4.3- Young Stars in the Rho Ohpiuchi Cloud

Rho Ophiuchi is located near the constellation of Ohpiuchus about 400 light-years away. In this area, there is one of the closet star forming regions. Young stars in the cloud radiate with infrared wavelengths because they heat the surrounding dusts in the cloud complex. Most of these stars are just 300,000 years old, fairly new in terms of stars. The cloud consists of cold molecular hydrogen gas from the newly forming stars.The nebula appears pink and blue in the image from WISE, however these stars are not visible in optical telescopes. The red region is encompassing the star Sigma Scorpii. It appears red because of reflected light from the stars. Newly formed, glowing stars are shown as bright pink dots behind the dust cloud in the photograph.

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