Thursday, March 24, 2011

APOD 3.8- The Red Square Nebula

An infared image formed of combined exposure from various telescopes, such as the Keck-2, the Mt. Palomar, and the Hale telescope, have shown the MWC 922 nebula to be depicted in the shape of a square with extended light at the corners. It is unsure what phenomena could cause a nebula to take on a rectangular shape, however it is believed that the central star expels cones of gas late in its developmental stage. It is difficult to be sure of the cone theory, because if we were to view the nebula at a different angle, the square may appear more like rings like the ones seen in supernova 1987A. This leads astronomers to conclude that the red Square Nebula, MXC 922, may become a supernova relatively soon.

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