Thursday, March 31, 2011

APOD 4.1- NGC 5584: Expanding the Universe

The Type Ia Supernova explosion, NGC 5584, is one of eight galaxies being studied by scientists in order to improve upon Hubble's Constant, in order to better measure the Universe. This galaxy supports the theory that dark matter is the cause of the acceleration of the Universe's expansion. The spiral arms of the galaxy are full of dark dust lanes and young clusters of stars. The numerous red spots in the image are many distant galaxies. NGC 5584 is 50,000 light-years across and 72 million light-years away from Earth, toward the constellation of Virgo. Over 250 Cepheid stars, stars that have evolved off the main sequence into the Cepheid instability strip and are regular radial-pulsating that are ideal to be used as primary distance indicators, are found in this galaxy.

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